Leadership And Strategy Alignment


This course is the third module of the Creating Viral Teams Training Series: Unleashing Viral Leadership. This module shows you and your team how to develop a clear picture of the direction you want them to pursue and align your collective strengths for exponentially increased results.


This course is the third module of the Creating Viral Teams Training Series: Unleashing Viral Leadership.

You may have experienced one of these two kinds of teams:

The Lost In The Desert Team: The old adage says “If you aim at nothing, you’ll seldom miss.” Lack of a clear focus and direction leads to poor performance and waste. People feel lost, lack engagement, and the organization loses money.

The All About Me Team: Some teams are full of people with strong opinions and focus. However, if everyone in the team has a different focus, our collective strength turns against us.

The Leadership and Strategic Alignment module shows you and your team how to develop a clear picture of the direction you want them to pursue and align your collective strengths for exponentially increased results.

Author: Jorge Acuna, MEd, MBA

Company: Learning4Managers a Division of Accolade Institute Inc

Website: www.learning4managers.com

Copyright: 2015-2019 Accolade Institute Inc